Soil carbon storage knowledge from the experts

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Carbon Sequestration

What is Carbon Sequestration?

Carbon Sequestration is the long-term removal or capture of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to slow or reverse atmospheric CO2 pollution and to mitigate or reverse the effects of climate change.

What is Permanent Cover? Why is it Important for Carbon Sequestration?

Permanent cover is land that is used for hay production either using alfalfa, grass, or an mixture of the two. Most of the hay that is produced is used for beef cattle or dairy production. The amount of crop inputs used in hay production is unknown, generally alfalfa is applied in the year of establishment and may be applied in subsequent years along with potash or sulphur. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied to grass hay land over the life of the stand is unknown. Extensive hay production is generally the norm using low levels of crop inputs.

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About Biological Carbon Canada

Biological Carbon Canada is a nonprofit based in Alberta. Our mission is to enhance the global competitiveness of Canada’s primary agriculture sectors while delivering carbon reductions and removals. We assist the sector’s investment in people and technology, thus supporting the achievement of Canada’s economic and environmental objectives.

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Biological Carbon Canada is the tradename for the Canadian Institute for Biological Carbon